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3 posters

    Mu Shortcuts (EN)

    Super Moderator
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    Mu Shortcuts (EN) Empty Mu Shortcuts (EN)

    Post  nox Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:14 am

    MU shortcuts
    I've been playing MU for lots of years and base on my experiences, here are some shortcuts/lingos that you must know ingame.. It might help at the market.

    Chat Functions

    * ~<message>: sends party message
    * @<message>: sends guild message
    * @!<message>: sends guild notice (Guild Leader Only)
    * Page UP and Page DOWN: scrolls through messages
    * TAB: Toggles between Chat box and ID box
    * Right Click on Message: Obtains Whisper ID

    In-Game Abbreviations


    * STR: Strength
    * AGI: Agility
    * VIT: Vitality
    * Eng: Energy
    * GM: Game Master
    * PL: Party Leader
    * HP: Health Points
    * MP: Mana Points
    * NPC: Non Playing Character
    * GW: Guild War
    * PT: Party
    * KS: Kill Steal
    * PK: Player Kill
    * PHONO: High Level PK'er
    * L337: Leet, Elite
    * Lvl: Level
    * EXP/XP: Experience
    * Noob: New Player
    * ++: Buff
    * MAX: Maximum Upgrade
    * EXC: Excellent
    * DK: Dark Knight
    * BK: Blade Knight
    * DW: Dark Wizrad
    * SM: Soul Master
    * EE: Energy Elf
    * AE: Agility Elf
    * MG: Magic Gladiator
    * DR: Defense Rate
    * DD: Damage Decrease
    * REF: Reflect
    * SPD: Speed
    * GAP: Over 130 levels between yourself and another.


    * CDA: Chaos Dragon Axe
    * DB: Double Blade, Day Breaker, Dark Breaker
    * BB: Bone Blade
    * LS: Lightning Sword
    * SOD: Sword of Destruction
    * CA: Crescent Axe
    * BOB: Bill of Balrog
    * CS: Chaos Staff
    * GS: Grand Soul
    * GRC: Great Reign Crossbow
    * CNB: Chaos Nature Bow
    * CMS: Crystal Morning Star
    * BD: Black Dragon
    * JOL: Jewel of Life
    * B: Bless
    * S: Soul
    * C: Chaos
    * PEND: Pendant
    * HORN: Unicorn
    * DINO: Dinorant
    * POTS: Potions
    * ES: Evil Spirit
    * HF: Hell Fire
    * TS: Twisting Slash


    * Brb: Be right back
    * Wb: Welcome back
    * AFK: Away from Keyboard
    * Bb: bye bye
    * Lol: Laughing out Loud (This is not ulol in Tagalog -.-)
    * Lewl: a cuter version of Lol ^_^
    * Bbl: Be back later
    * Omg: Oh my goodness, Oh my god
    * STFU: Shut The Fck Up
    * WTF: What The Fck
    * WTH: What The Hell
    * GL: Good Luck
    * GJ: Good Job
    *ASAP: As soon as possible

    * LT (1-7): Lost Tower 1-7
    * A (1-3): Atlans 1-3
    * DS: Devil's Square
    * BC: Blood Castle
    * CS: Castle Siege
    * CC: Castle Siege
    * BR: Bull Room
    * HS: Hot Spot

    Added Stuff (Some May Be Reapeted)

    * KS: Kiil Steal
    * PK: Player Kill
    * B>: Buying
    * S>: Selling
    * Grats: Congratulations
    * Exe: Excellent
    * DK: dark knight
    * DW: dark wizard
    * AE: agility elf
    * EE: energy elf
    * BK: blade knight
    * SM: soul master
    * MG: magic gladiator
    * DL: dark lord
    * LS: lightning sword
    * DS: dragon spear / death stab / devil square
    * BC: blood castle
    * CC: chaos castle
    * CS: castle siege / crystal sword
    * DB: double blade / dark breaker
    * CDA: chaos dragon axe
    * SOD: sword of destruction / staff of destruction


    * ES: Evil Spirits
    * TS: Twisting Slash
    * FB: FireBurst
    * RB: Rageful Blow
    * FS: Fireslash
    * HF: Hellfire


    * GRC: Great Reign Crossbow
    * DRB: Dark Reign Blade
    * CNB: Chaos Nature Bow
    * CLS: Chaos Lighting Staff
    * CMS: Crystal Morning Star
    * DSS: Dragon Soul Staff
    * RB: RuneBlade
    * KB: Knight Blade

    Equips, Sets

    * Drg: Dragon
    * BD: Black Dragon
    * DP: Dark Phoenix
    * GD: Great Dragon
    * DK: Dragon Knight
    * GRD: Guardian
    * RS: Red Spirit
    * Leg: Legendary
    * GS: Grand Soul
    * DS: Dark Soul
    * VM: Venom Mist


    Posts : 298
    Join date : 2009-01-25

    Mu Shortcuts (EN) Empty Re: Mu Shortcuts (EN)

    Post  danutzbest Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:17 am

    S-a meritat sa muncim la ele...mai mult eu lol! lol!
    Izar House Boy
    Izar House Boy

    Posts : 34
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    Location : Iasi

    Mu Shortcuts (EN) Empty Re: Mu Shortcuts (EN)

    Post  R1cko Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:53 am

    Ehe :> bun asa

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