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IzarMuOnline Official Forum

    GM/Rules of the server


    Posts : 315
    Join date : 2009-01-24

    GM/Rules of the server Empty GM/Rules of the server

    Post  SirLove Tue Jan 27, 2009 8:26 am

    1 - Do not ks other players
    2 - Do not swar on server
    3 - Do not pk other players with no reasons
    4 - Do not exagerate at events with prises
    5 - Only 1 event at 2 days / per gm
    6 - Do not give items to other players.
    7 - Any gm has the right to party low lvl characters
    8 - Do not BAN players without an Admin's request - first talk to an admin
    9 - Do not swear , dc other gm ,admins
    10 - Do not DC , etc other players with no reasons
    11 - Any gm has the obligation to try and bring more players to the server or at least advertise the server on the

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